code phase modulation中文什么意思

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  1. Uast is equipped with the complex radar system of both continuous wave pseudorandom code phase modulation and mono - pulse amplitude comparison ( crs ) , and crs measures and gets target ' s position information
  2. This article analyses the signal characteristics of several typical cw radars , and presents the principle and application of doppler radar . as one focal point , this article researches the generation and math characteristics of pseudorandom code modulated signal , analyses the spectrum of pseudorandom code phase modulation radar signal , and presents this kind of signal ' s application in distance and speed measurement . this article also researches the application of mono - pulse amplitude comparison radar in angle measurement finally , this article elaborates the working process of crs in uast
  3. The autocorrelation function of the pn code is similar to that of the white noise , which has the randomicity . the pn code phase modulation fuze just works on the basis of this characteristic . the fuse , having excellent cut - off performance of the distance and strong anti - jamming capability , is one of the radio fuze of the predominant performance


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